Sunday, June 25, 2006

The Chronicles of Nokia!

This is what happens when you bring a media powerhouse (MacBook Pro) with a built-in camera and an imaging-communications device to a certifed geek with wayyyy too much time on his hands...

This is me wondering what in god's holy name I could possibly bring myself to do to get out of boredom; while head-banging to the X-Men OST at the same time.

Aha, I've the perfect solution, but #$%^& where did I put it??? one sec while I find it. @#$%^&*

Now this is what I'm talking about... See? My new phone + 2 MP digital camera + media player + mobile internet device!

Now thats what you call an image within an image...

This is me attempting to do an Adam Sandler like in his new movie - Click. That's all folks!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
